Month: December 2023
Burn The Boats
I just finished the book Burn The Boats by Matt Higgins and wanted to share some thoughts about it. I first heard of Matt while listening to a podcast while he was promoting this book. A few things instantly resonated with me when listening to the podcast. Some of the highlights in this book include: The term… Read more
Bank your wins
It’s odd / interesting that we have trouble feeling adequate. It seems that I spend too much of my time second guessing myself or assuring myself that I’m going to be okay. Example: I’m handed a project at work in which I have to learn so much just to get started, let alone get through it. I… Read more
How many summers do you have left?
I recently asked the title question to a friend of mine. The conversation was framed around why we choose to do things that aren’t aligned with our truth. Why are we staying in situations that we know are wrong? After too much effort, why are we wasting our time trying to get someone to change their ways? Why… Read more
Be careful with your “I Ams”
Anything negative thing you say after the words “I Am” should be chosen carefully. I Am is usually attached to some sort of belief you have acquired throughout your years and, more often than not, isn’t true. You don’t even have to say these words out loud. Our minds loop negative thoughts more often than we realize. If… Read more