Month: March 2024

  • Too Much Information Without Action

    Late last year, I got a fire lit under me and started reading all the books I could get my hands on. It was one of those cycles of reading we get into and then drop out of if we aren’t intentional with our habits. It was a great run and I am still on… Read more

  • Focus Our Fast Paced Minds

    Most of us seem to have a phone in our hands or in our pockets more hours in a day than not. We can’t leave a room without taking our phone with us for fear of missing something. I believe that we have stood up our phones to be the ultimate connection to external validation.… Read more

  • What Growth Looks Like #2

    I have written about this before, but I had a highlight today that I wanted to share. During my meditation this morning I was going through my normal annoying mind chatter and stumbled upon something a little abnormal for me. The first 5 minutes of my mediation process goes something like this: Did I pay… Read more

  • Reframe or Frame Your Situation

    As humans, we have an exceptional ability to perceive and embrace consciousness. That means we get to make choices about how we maneuver through situations. And, through conscious practices, one of the biggest abilities we have in life is the ability to frame or reframe a situation. Reframing is a concept that you have probably… Read more

  • Remind Yourself of Who You Are

    Life continuously happens around you and how you react to things is what defines the quality of your life. When you react, are you doing it from a place of ego or your true Self? The ego is the endless mind chatter, the body of pain, the stuck emotions from the past, etc. The ego… Read more

  • Anchors of the Past

    As humans, we spend so much of our energy and brain power reliving bad memories from our past. Whatever we have done or have had done to us shows up as vivid images with our distorted perspectives. I say distorted perspective because we have a tendency to zoom in on what we think is important.… Read more

  • What Are You Feeding Yourself?

    Have you really taken a hard look at your intake lately? What kind of food, social media, movies, media, or ideas have you been consuming? The world wants us to tune into the distractions that surround us and it is our job to stay aligned with our mission in life. The alternative is to waste… Read more

  • Just Push Through

    Life tends to involve the ebbs and flows of our resistance to things that happen to us and about attempting maintaining our cool when things don’t go right. We often resist things that cause us frustration or fear. Frustration, fatigue, and discouragement cause us to feel uncomfortable and we resist. But, we can usually go… Read more

  • Life is Testing Me?

    I recently got excited about my upcoming financial situation. After letting some lingering debt hang around for too long, I could see the end in sight. I was counting down the few short months that I needed to get it all cleaned up. Until…. an unexpected bill of $3K shows up AND the car suddenly… Read more

  • Gentle Approach

    Throughout the roller coaster of life, we have moments of joy, happiness, contentedness and, of course, low feelings. Whatever the circumstances are, it is your responsibility to recognize what and how you feel throughout your day in order feel what you want to feel. Most of the dips in life are triggered by people whose… Read more