Victim Mentality

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A good way to sabotage your best intentions for the new year is to continue to be a victim. Having a victim mentality is really easy to notice if you are paying attention. Here is the root of a victim’s mentality: your peace and happiness is conditional upon external sources.

Here are some examples of ways you would notice this:

  • I won’t be happy until I have that [insert material object here]
  • He ruined my week because of what he said
  • She hurt my feelings and I’m still stewing over it for weeks
  • My life will suck until the [insert political party of choice here] party is in power
  • My upbringing, financial situation, [insert any other excuse or dilemma here] has prevented me from reaching my goals

It really is up to you to push for things that are important to you. There are no life boats and you can’t waste time being a victim when there is so much to do before you kick the bucket.

When nothing is owed or deserved or expected
And your life doesn’t change by the man that’s elected
If you’re loved by someone, you’re never rejected
Decide what to be and go be it

Head Full of Doubt / Road Full of Promise – The Avett Brothers

Be strong this year!

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