A Clear Path Forward

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At times it’s not easy to know what you want in life. Maybe you haven’t tried enough things to have a good idea of your wants, or have served others for so long that you have lost part of yourself, or maybe you get bogged down in all of the options. Regardless, we all have a mission in life that God longs for us to fulfill. The universe gives us clues continuously. We just have to be awake to see them. In order to fulfill your life’s purpose, the first thing you have to have is clarity. When you don’t have it, you should seek it by looking at the clues around you. 

In the list above, I fall into the bucket of “served others for so long that you have lost part of yourself” and now I am taking in the clues and acting upon them. My wife, the ideas person, suggested that I start this blog in December and something clicked inside of me and said “absolutely!” I took it on and decided that I would write a post every day, regardless of my attitude for the day. Some days it is difficult to get started. Other days, it flows like a river. The intention for this blog was to document how I am going after my dreams and, along with that, discover my purpose in life. I figured that if I can get my words out, I can learn to express myself more freely and learn to listen to myself and my intuition without strain. I’m pursuing clarity with my actions. I want to experiment and discover what moves me and what motivates me at the deepest level.

Gone are my days of doing things for money or for others that don’t align with my values. I took at deep dive into my life this year and have already seen so many clues show up in odd ways. I feel like I am on the path to my dreams.