Category: DIY
Use Intention to Succeed
I have been lifting weights regularly for a few years now. For a long time, I had a huge mental block when it came to weights. I kept telling myself, “I really despise this” or “it is so boring.” I kept with the routine and eventually I stopped with the negative talk. And I kept going and going and… Read more
Fierce Deletion
Sometimes when there is lots of chaos in your life, you have to ask what needs to be taken off your plate. Things stack up continuously and before you know it you are swamped in the throes of life. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can fiercely delete the things in your life that aren’t serving… Read more
Do You Want to Be Right?
Or do you want peace? If you want peace, an easy way to achieve this is to release what you are holding onto as correct in your mind. Often, we spend so much of our energy defending our identity. We all have to deal with our defensive nature, but maybe it is time to challenge yourself more… Read more
Status Quo
I am not going to accept the status quo when it comes to life. I have seen so many examples of people that settle for things as they think they are and fail to craft their desired life. Marriage is a great example. I have seen so many older people model their marriage like this: we spend… Read more
How many summers do you have left?
I recently asked the title question to a friend of mine. The conversation was framed around why we choose to do things that aren’t aligned with our truth. Why are we staying in situations that we know are wrong? After too much effort, why are we wasting our time trying to get someone to change their ways? Why… Read more
Be careful with your “I Ams”
Anything negative thing you say after the words “I Am” should be chosen carefully. I Am is usually attached to some sort of belief you have acquired throughout your years and, more often than not, isn’t true. You don’t even have to say these words out loud. Our minds loop negative thoughts more often than we realize. If… Read more