Category: Motivation
The Benefits of Fear
Even though fear is the emotion that causes so much grief in our lives, there are a few good things about it. One of the positives is to tell us when we are in actual danger and another is to tell us that we are pushing past our comfort zone. Michael Singer writes all about this… Read more
Excuses vs Action
It doesn’t take much digging for you to discover what you want to do in life or, at least, know the general direction you want to move towards. This is a reminder that we are all facing a finite number of days on the earth. It is time to take some action towards your dream life… Read more
Fierce Deletion
Sometimes when there is lots of chaos in your life, you have to ask what needs to be taken off your plate. Things stack up continuously and before you know it you are swamped in the throes of life. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can fiercely delete the things in your life that aren’t serving… Read more
Push Past Fear
We are all afraid inside. Fear is the driver that influences us not to take the chance, take the leap, ask for help, or just live life. We can achieve a certain amount of success because we are willing to push past an average level of fear. Accepting an average level of fear means that you will… Read more
Align Your Vision
I’ve talked to a few people recently that really don’t have a good answer for where they want their life to be in X number of years or they do know where they want to be but don’t have a plan to get there. I think it is important to focus on your ideal future self… Read more
Fear of Life
I have deduced life down to a couple of things throughout my years. You can equate all of your actions in life to seeking positive emotions. If you buy a house or car, take a trip, meet with friends, etc you selfishly do these things so that you can feel positive emotions. On the other side… Read more
January 1st is essentially an arbitrary day that we have chosen to reflect on our past year in order to take a stab at being a better person for the upcoming year. We tend to be resolute on our plans for betterment for a few weeks and then the difficulty of dealing with our bad habits… Read more
Bank your wins
It’s odd / interesting that we have trouble feeling adequate. It seems that I spend too much of my time second guessing myself or assuring myself that I’m going to be okay. Example: I’m handed a project at work in which I have to learn so much just to get started, let alone get through it. I… Read more