Category: Uncategorized
100 Days Old
This blog is now officially 100 days old. Creating a blog post everyday has been a challenging stretch of my writing skills, both structurally and creatively. My plan in the future is to stretch my skills even more and become a better writer with the intention of bringing you high quality more frequently. Since I… Read more
Doing Harder Things
Sometimes it is challenging to face your responsibilities for the day and sometimes your basic, normal routine is challenging. Usually we resist these challenges due to our feelings. The thing to remember about feelings is that they are temporary. If you can get over your feelings and wants and go ahead and push through, you… Read more
Your Expectations For Life
It’s time to do a quick check in with yourself. Have you been playing it small or striving to reach your dream life? The answer to this question could be an indicator to your level of happiness and fulfillment in life. More often than not we keep ourselves small and comfortable in order to avoid… Read more
New Season
With a new season upon us, we are, once again, reminded that things don’t always stay the same. You can be on a high or on a low and at the moment, but don’t get too comfortable if you are on a high. And, if you are on a low, don’t fret, you have the… Read more
Gut Punch
It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed. Ram Dass Life is going to throw you a gut punch from time to time. It’s just part of the normal flow of life. How you react is your choice. Read more
Deeply Felt Moments
During mediation today I remembered a harsh critique that I got during a speech competition in 11th grade and cringed about the embarrassment I felt with my peers. It was one of those situations where I was pretty much the weakest link on the team. It wasn’t my finest moment with performance pressure and lack… Read more
Missed A Day
In mid-December, I committed to posting to this blog once a day. Guess what? I missed yesterday. I could make all kinds of excuses about how this happened, but I will just say this: I was very busy, yet it was my responsibility to show up regardless. It’s as simple as that. Life will happen… Read more
Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
What have you done lately that hasn’t felt comfortable? Discomfort is the sign of growth and if you don’t feel that you are doing the opposite of growing. You are shrinking. Shrinking will give you short term comfort but long term pain. Find something that gives you discomfort and feel life again. Tomorrow I am… Read more
A Quick Note About Forgiveness
Forgiveness is freedom from the burden that you have chosen to carry with you. Sure it is difficult when things happen to you and yet, we choose to hold onto the hurt and anger and relive it. It really isn’t serving you at all. It’s okay to give yourself the gift of freedom. There is… Read more
Maybe Today
This could be the day that you see a big clue that what you are working hard to achieve is already upon you. Maybe it’s not…. Either way, being and living extraordinarily isn’t going to be handed to you. If it were, then what you are trying to go for would be considered an average… Read more