Or do you want peace?
If you want peace, an easy way to achieve this is to release what you are holding onto as correct in your mind. Often, we spend so much of our energy defending our identity. We all have to deal with our defensive nature, but maybe it is time to challenge yourself more often.
Sure there will be people that attack you and dig in the trenches on what they think is right and your natural reaction will be to defend yourself. Defending yourself will cause drama and you will be carrying this situation with you for way too long. The way to disarm an attack against your identity is to peacefully walk away from the situation with no judgement of either party. That is the only way to be in peace.
“But, I’ll be seen as a doormat…” That may be true, but you will know in your soul that you took all of the power when you have left the situation. You maintained your bliss and they are still living their nightmare.