Feeling joy can be so much easier than we make it out to be and I wanted to prove it by sharing a brief, but extremely effective mantra from Thich Nhat Hanh that embodies joy in a simple way.
Close your eyes and repeat the words below in your head or out loud while breathing in on the first word and breathing out on the second word (this will be 4 deep breaths). When you say the word smile, just smile as big as you can.
In Out
you are here, Thich Nhat Hanh
Deep Slow
Calm Ease
Smile Release
Give this a real try and see what it does for you. It gets me every time I smile. I feel joy and peace and know that my current problem is going to be okay. Use this mantra when you are in a bad mood or just need a boost for your joy. It really is that simple.