Uncertainty in Life

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Plans are great to have. They lay out where you want to be in X number of days, months or years and lets you set your sights on goals. When you set your sights out for your ideal future, remember to factor in uncertainty. I’ve heard it said that life is like a roller coaster ride filled with ups and downs (there is also the analogy of mountains and valleys). Either way you are going on the ride and you don’t really have a choice. You do, however, have a choice about how you respond to uncertainty. 

If you factor the uncertainty into your plans, it allows you to approach a problem with a better understanding that EVERY situation, good or bad, is a learning experience for you.

The great thing about the downs is that tough times give you the most clarity in life. You get a chance to review your choices in life and you get to reflect on whether or not you agree with your choices. You really get a chance to course correct and move your compass to what is really important to you. Bottom line: hardships are your best source of wisdom.

Remember to expect the unexpected and push forward while you continue to improve. And remember to enjoy the journey.