The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success #1

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Over the next seven days, I am going to be summarizing Deepak Chopra’s small, but extremely loaded book, “The Seven Spritual Laws of Success.” This book forces you to analyze your purpose in life and draws out your divine assignment.

#1: The Law of Pure Potentiality

This is, by far, the most difficult law to practice. The law of pure potentiality means that you need to connect to pure consciousness as often as possible in order to manifest your desires in life. Pure consciousness, of course, can be interpreted however you choose to do so. I call this connecting with God or the Universe. 

Essentially, we all have a hard-wired, physiological part of the mind that runs our life subconsciously. This is also called the ego. The ego doesn’t necessarily mean arrogance. Ego is also what plants fear in our path or even raises our senses when it is needed. The Law of Pure Potentiality forces you to face the less useful parts of your ego head on for your benefit.

Here are some ways that Deepak suggests that we practice this law.

  1. Get in Touch with the field of pure consciousness by sitting in silence for 30 minutes, twice a day

    Sitting for a few minutes of silence without reaching for a distraction is already a tall order. We spend all day in a state of doing and not being. Sitting for an hour in silence has to be incredibly difficult at first. I sit through 20 to 45 minute guided meditations, but have never tried a silent meditation. I’ll let you know how it goes…
  2. Take time each day to commune with nature by sitting in silence and enjoying the beauty.

    I love this suggestion. For me, it is already part of my routine to take a daily walk. I need to spend more time enjoying the air and trees and the peace that nature provides. 
  3. Practice non-judgement.

    Wow. This is tough. Our egos do nothing but judge. That is the purpose of it. To get a hold of this, you have to be really conscious of your thoughts. A good way to start this practice is to recognize that you have an opinion of something, but let someone else win an debate about it even if you think they are wrong. Then, as you work this muscle more, you can recognize that you have an opinion, but not think that it is better than anyone else’s and maybe you refrain from being so vocal. I don’t know what the next step is, but I’ll get there and let you know how that goes…

Let’s relate all of this to success. If you are a non-judgemental, peaceful, zen person that lives in the spirit of God, most people will really like you. It means that you are approachable and people don’t have to waste time dancing around your attitude. Being a well-liked person is a more important attribute to success at work as opposed to someone that isn’t well-liked. Studies have shown over and over that intelligence and hard work aren’t always the first attributes that will get someone promoted. Google it and see for yourself.

That is the summary of the first law. I’ll be back tomorrow to talk about the second law. In the meantime, try to push your growth more by sitting in silence, enjoying nature, and practicing non-judgement.

Here is the link to the book. It is an amazing read -> The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success