The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success #7

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This is the last in the 7 part series of summaries of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, by Deepak Chopra. Tomorrow I will be switching back to a different topic. Thanks for sticking with me on this.

I wanted to write so many installments about this book because it is one of the most profound books I have read in a while. This little book is actually based on another book of his (Creating Affluence) that goes into more detail about the topics I have discussed during this series.

The bottom line is that I think this is the guide book to life itself. Some of the practices would be considered to be life long efforts, but as humans, our mission is to strive to get better and better everyday. The alternative is to have worse practices everyday to the point of diminishing our joy more and more.

#7: The Law of Dharma

The Law of Dharma simply means: “Your purpose in life.”

The three aspects to this law are:

  1. Discover your true Self

    Discovering your true Self (capital S) is really easy. Close your eyes and breath slowly and notice that there are 2 parts of you: the part of you that spins with endless contradicting thoughts all day, every day and the other that is still and steady. The storm of thoughts is the ego and the other is consciousness. Consciousness is the Self and it is the direct connection to God (or the universe) if you can quiet the ego for a while. This is the place in which most of your decisions should be made.

    I’ll write about this in upcoming posts, but the ego is not all bad when you can train it to work for you.
  2. Express your unique talents

    Deepak asks the question: “what are your talents that you do better than everyone on the planet?” If you don’t know, it is your mission to find it.
  3. Service to humanity

    Here is another challenge to the western world. People aren’t really service oriented when they are aiming for the mansion and the sports car and are, as Deepak says, “keeping up with their importance in the world.”
    Service to humanity

    Here is another challenge to the western world. People aren’t really service oriented when they are aiming for the mansion and the sports car and are, as Deepak says, “keeping up with their importance in the world.”

As far as practicing this law, here are Deepak’s suggestions:

  1. Today I will lovingly nurture the god or goddess in embryo that lies deep within my soul.

    He’s saying to get back to mediation and connect with the universe.
  2. I will make a list of my unique talents

    Good advice. How often would we do this? I think we spend too much time ruminating on how bad we are instead of loving ourselves, let alone admitting that we are great at something…
  3. I will ask myself daily, “how can I serve?” and “how can I help?”

    This is gold. I imagine that practicing this daily is something that can greatly alter your state of being. 

Here is the full list of blog posts in this series. Please take a look at the other posts. I appreciate your patience in this series of posts.

  1. The Law of Pure Potentiality
  2. The Law of Giving
  3. The Law of “Karma” or Cause and Effect
  4. The Law of Least Effort
  5. The Law of Intention and Desire
  6. The Law of Detachment
  7. The Law of Dharma

If these posts resonated with you, pick up the book, carry it with you everywhere you go and use it as a reference for your life. The initial read of the book takes a few hours, but the work involved with living this type of life is endless.

Link to the book -> The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success