God has perfect timing. The conditions of your existence were perfect when you were manifested. Everything aligned in the right time and order for your soul to inhabit an earthly body and this body is the divine instrument of God’s wishes. You were born with wholeness, creativity, and full of wonder in order explore this earth to see what you are meant to do.
Your purpose isn’t just given to you. It is your job to discover it. If it were given easily, you wouldn’t appreciate it. God leaves you breadcrumbs and whispers and it is up to you to follow this path of crumbs. To hear the whispers, you have to quiet your mind from distractions. To see the crumbs, you have to look with intention. It is your most important work on this earth. If you walk this path of discovery, you will have no choice but to be a genuinely amazing human.
Of course, you have a choice not to follow the path, but if you diverge too much, you will feel out of alignment with your purpose. If you continue to live out of congruence, you get further away from your wholeness and wonder. Multiply these incongruent behaviors by years and you might just become bitter. Your soul knows when you aren’t aligned and gives you obvious clues.
This world will attempt to distract you from your purpose and will attempt to break your wholeness. You might actually give people that power over you. The good news is that you have a choice to do the work to come back to your wholeness. It is a choice that you make day by day.
The earthly body that houses your soul will quickly pass. So, you have to get busy living your purpose just as God intended.