Your Expectations For Life

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It’s time to do a quick check in with yourself.

Have you been playing it small or striving to reach your dream life? The answer to this question could be an indicator to your level of happiness and fulfillment in life. More often than not we keep ourselves small and comfortable in order to avoid difficulty. When you do this, you are operating as average or normal to societal standards. If you are reading this blog, you are probably the type of person that doesn’t normally operate in the space of average.

Sometimes it’s difficult

Maybe you are in a slump and need a nudge out it? Disturbance is going to happen inevitably. It is a matter of reconnecting to your standards, expectations, and goals. I have been in a slump lately. I have absorbed some drama without grace and it caused some disturbance to my flow. The good news is that a slump is just a slump and as we do the work of self-improvement our periods of being down are more short lived and do not rule our lives. We aren’t victims to the circumstances. We are risk takers and action makers. We keep moving forward and we don’t play small.

When you expect more from your life, you will do the work to reach fulfillment.