Your Next Move

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Up until now, you might have felt that things haven’t gone your way in general.  Sure, there have been times of great happiness and fulfillment, but in the end, you have found a way back to unfulfillment.  Maybe it is a mystery why you would fall back to this existence over and over…. I can empathize, because I live this too. 

I think there is a basic part of ourselves that wants to get back to the comfort of playing it small and matching our actions to what we think we are worth.  Playing it small is not really living.

If unfulfillment is part of the basic human condition, I am determined to give it my all to engage things that are fulfilling and build up the habits of choosing happiness over disappointment.  Let’s call this a life-long mission.

Sometimes I’m not sure how to move towards fulfillment.  I can, however, make small decisions daily until I get it figured out.  For example, this blog has been one of the things that I have delayed for several years until I felt like I had more meaningful things to write about.  I had a narrative in my mind that said, “what you have to share isn’t worth repeating.”  I eventually came to the conclusion that not all people will get me and I am okay with that.  If you are here reading this, I appreciate it.  If you never made it this far, then these words aren’t for you.

I am looking for my next move to stay on the path of discomfort.  If I am comfortable then I am not growing and I have read plenty of times, from people that live happy lives, that the pursuit of things that are important to you, generate fulfillment as a side effect.  I figure, why not give it a try? 

Today I’m challenging you to make some moves to push your growth and fulfillment or even just journal some thoughts about it.